D&A, An Accountancy Corporation

Bookkeeping Services

Bookkeeping is more than just invoicing customers and paying bills. It is the management of incoming and outgoing funds. Bookkeeping creates a set of records that can be relied upon to provide financial insight into your business. We work with transparency, strong ethics, and attention to detail to maintain the business records and provide you with analysis and help your business grow.

        Bank Reconciliation

Reconciling your business accounts periodically allows us to keep your bank account and accounting up-to-date.

Having us reconcile your account each month allows you to…

        Income Statement

An income statement, otherwise known as a profit and loss statement, represents an itemized list of all your revenues and subtracts an itemized list of all your expenses to come up with an amount of income or loss for the period.

An income statement allows you to…

        Balance Sheet

A balance sheet gives you a snapshot of your business’s financial condition at a specific moment in time.

A balance sheet helps you…

        Maintaining a Clean General Ledger

The general ledger is the record of all activities that store and summarize company’s transactions. It constitutes the central “books” of your system. Since every transaction flows through the general ledger, a problem with the latter would inevitably throw off the related accounts on your books.